Jaco The Clown has many talents, yet he lives in a deeply delusional world. As therapy, since Jaco is a highly skilled artist, experts suggest he speak his mind, and that he paint his fantasies to "get them out of his head."
It's a rare opportunity to take a glimpse inside the mind of someone so...committed. And, thanks to "Jaco's people", we can now watch and listen to him tell his odd stories in his video podcast show "See My Mind" where he reveals, as he sees it, his true identity - one story, one painting, and one twisted episode at a time. Heaven help us all.
Drawing on his vast experiences that exist only in his mind, he reluctantly complies as he paints scenes from his imaginary life as only Jaco can. One moment a cowboy on the range, the next a surgeon in the operating room...then he's conducting a symphony orchestra, surfing monster waves, arguing a case in court, or even in bed with a beautiful woman. Nobody but Jaco knows what's coming next.
A b o u t J a c o
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